
Their dwellings bloomed beneath your clouds, unveiled,

منازلهم جادتك غر السحائب

1. Their dwellings bloomed beneath your clouds, unveiled,
As the morning breeze drew forth its trailing robes.

١. مَنازِلَهُمْ جَاَدتْكِ غُرُّ السَّحَائِبِ
وَجَرَّتْ بِمَغْناكِ الصَّبا ذَيْلَ سَاحِبِ

2. The night pressed me with its hand, in haste,
While the stars slowly crept across the skies.

٢. وَلَيل بهِ قد عَاجَلَتْني يَدُ السُّرَى
وَقَدْ كانَ مِن طُولٍ بَطِئَ الكَواكِبِ

3. Remembrance is a balm from the toils of fate -
It rests, pillowed, above the dusty graves.

٣. ولِلذِّكْرِ مِسْكٌ مِن مُعَاقَرَةِ الكَرَى
أَقَرَّ وِسَادَ الهَامِ فَوْقَ الغَوارِبِ

4. They set out seeking their songs, and climbed
To Ali's son, the summit of all who climb.

٤. سَرَوْا لِغِناهُمْ طَالِبينَ فَعَرَّجُوا
على ابنِ عَليٍّ مُنْتَهى كُلِّ طَالبِ

5. Through trials we know him truly; nothing reveals
Things like trials - the touchstone that tries and tells.

٥. عَلِمْنا يَقِيناً بِالتَّجارِبِ شَأْنَهُ
وَمَا تُوضِحُ الأَشياءَ مِثلُ التَّجارِبِ