
And on a poisonous day, I thought its breeze

ويوم سموم خلت أن نسيمه

1. And on a poisonous day, I thought its breeze
Was a cure for hearts, a soothing balm.

١. وَيَومَ سَمُومٍ خِلْتُ أَنَّ نَسِيَمهُ
ذَواتُ سُمُومٍ لِلقلوبِ لَوَاذِغُ

2. I complained to it of the harshness of Fate;
My glass was full, but life was parched.

٢. ظَلَلْتُ بهِ أشكُو مُعَالَجَةَ الصَّدَى
وَكُوزِي مَلآنٌ وَمائيَ فَارِغُ