
Our minister is congratulated with a robe

يهنأ مولانا الوزير بخلعة

1. Our minister is congratulated with a robe
That shines like the full moon amidst clouds

١. يُهنَّأُ مَوْلانَا الوَزِيرُ بِخِلْعَةٍ
يَلُوحُ بِها كالبَدْرِ بَيْنَ دَيَاجِي

2. And the bond of religion's crown adorned its collar
Thus they became the best protection for Islam

٢. وَشَمْلٍ بِتَاجِ الدِّينِ نُظِّمَ عِقْدُهُ
فكانَا علَى الإسْلامِ خَيْرَ سِيَاجِ

3. And my eyes have never seen a robe like it today
That brings joy to a guardian or saddens adversaries

٣. وَلَمْ تَرَ عَيْني مِثْلَها اليومَ خِلْعَةً
تَسُرُّ وَلِيًّا أَو تَسُوءُ مُدَاجي

4. And when it saw none deserved the ministry but him
It came to him as crowns come to kings

٤. وَلَمَّا رَأَتْ قَدْرَ الوِزَارةِ دُونَهُ
أَتَتْهُ كَما تُأْتى الملوكُ بِتَاجِ