
Why have I been forgotten, when I was

مالي نسيت وكنت من

1. Why have I been forgotten, when I was
Among your protected ones like Al-Fatiha,

١. مَالي نُسِيتُ وَكُنْتُ مِن
مَحْفُوظِكُمْ كالفَاتِحَه

2. And estrangement has shackled me, though it
Has departed from you, a departer,

٢. وَغَدَتْ تُكبلني القَري
نةُ وَهََيَ عِنْكُمْ نَازِحَه

3. But the beloved of old is truly a hand
With a sweet fragrance.

٣. لكِنْ بَعِيدُ الوِدّ حَ
قُّ يَدٍ بِطيب الرَّائِحَه