
O blessed one, Ibn Idris was indeed glad

يمينا لقد سر الإمام ابن إدريس

1. O blessed one, Ibn Idris was indeed glad
On Thursday as you sat teaching

١. يَمِيناً لَقَد سَرَّ الإمامَ ابنَ إدريسِ
جُلوسُكَ في يوم الخميسِ لِتَدْرِيسِ

2. And rebuilding what your grandfather had founded
With piety and on goodness established

٢. وََتَشْيِيدُ ما قَدْ كانَ جَدُّكَ بَانِياً
هُنَاكَ مِن التَّقوَى علَى خَيْرِ تَأْسِيسِ

3. Is any rain more apt than bounty's downpour?
Or any lion more apt than the valiant's prowess?

٣. وَهَلْ صَائِبٌ أَوْلَى مِن الغَيْثِ بالرُّبى
وَهَلْ صَائِلٌ أَوْلَى مِن اللَّيْثِ بالخِيسِ

4. By my life, your abodes were citadels of glory
When, for lack of you, Tala'a Allah Tusi

٤. لَعَمْرِيَ قَد كانتْ مَنازِلُ عِزِّكُمْ
لَمَا عَدِمَتْ تَاللّهِ من علمِكَ الطُّوسي

5. Journeyed there on a blessed Thursday
With sciences' flags held high atop all heads

٥. رَكِبَتَ إليها في خَميسٍ مُبارَكٍ
وَلِلعِلْمِ أَعلامٌ رُفِعْنَ على الروسِ

6. With the sword of truth you pierced each heresy
And made God's army triumph over Satan's forces

٦. وَصُلْتَ بِسَيْفِ الحقِّ في كُلِّ بِدْعَةٍ
فَمَكَّنْتَ جُنْدَ اللَّهِ مِن جُنْدِ إبليسِ