
My sword's behind me, so excuse me if I'm hurt,

السيف خلفي فعذرا إن جرحت إذا

1. My sword's behind me, so excuse me if I'm hurt,
It's not fitting for the likes of me, such lack of tact.

١. السَّيْفُ خَلْفي فَعُذْراً إنْ جُرِحْتُ إذاً
عَمَّا يَليقُ بأَمثالي مِن الأدَبِ

2. My nearness to you is clearly evident,
And nearness to you is truly the greatest closeness.

٢. وَقَدْ تَحقَّقَ قُربي مِن جَنابِكُمُ
والقُرْبُ مِنهُ لَعَمْرِي أَعْظَمُ القُربِ

3. I did not find wood that the lamp would near,
Before me, though things come with such surprise.

٣. وَلَمْ أَجِدْ خَشَباً يَدْنُو السِّراجُ لهُ
قَبلي وَكَمْ أَتَتِ الأَشْياءُ بالعَجَب

4. In your hands lies the safety of their gathering,
For whoever fails to bring fire and wood together.

٤. وَفي يَدَيكَ أَمانٌ لاجْتِماعِهُما
لِخَائبِ الجَمْعِ بَيْنَ النَّارِ والخَشَبِ