1. At the cheeks my blood, is there for me an avenger
O men, and Hayya Layla Aamir
١. عِندَ الخُدودِ دَمي فَهَلْ لي ثَائِرُ
يَالِلرِّجالِ وَحَيُّ لَيلَى عَامِرُ
2. And in their land the lances' points are passions
Touching and the oryx of meadows limping
٢. وَبِأَرضِهِمْ سُمْرُ الرِّماحِ عَوَاطِفٌ
مَسَّاسَةٌ وَظُبَا الصّفَاحِ بَوَاتِرُ
3. And when you see there a resting oryx
Its slain lover in love is a strong lion
٣. وَمَتى رَأَيْتَ هْناكَ ظَبياً راتِعاً
فََقَتِيلُهُ في الحُبِّ لَيْثٌ خَادِرُ
4. And behind my tear for the dwellings my blood and no
Caution and for the ruins of it treasures
٤. وَوَراءَ دَمْعِي لِلدِّيَارِ دَمِي وَلا
حَذَرٌ ولِلأَطْلالِ مِنهِ ذَخَائِرُ