
I see your smile light up mouths like fragrant pearls

أرى الثغر بساما بذكرك عاطرا

1. I see your smile light up mouths like fragrant pearls
From which ambergris and musk are extracted

١. أرَى الثَّغْر بَسَّاماً بِذِكْرِكَ عَاطِراً
تَبضَّعَ مِنهُ الدُّرُّ والمِسْكُ جَالِبُ

2. You erected the minaret of justice above its minarets
So the fixed stars took shelter in its pillars

٢. أقَمْتَ مَنَارَ العَدْلِ فَوْقَ مَنارِهِ
فَلاذَتْ بِحَقْويهِ النُّجومُ الثَّواقِبُ

3. It is frequented by all who tread the two continents
Traveler, sailor, walker or rider

٣. وَيَّمهُ مَن في البَسطِيْنِ سَالِكٌ
فَحَادٍ وَمَلاَّحٌ وَماشٍ وَرَاكِبُ

4. You brought the lion of the jungle and the lion to pasture
Tomorrow it turns docile, warring no more

٤. وَأَوْرَدْتَ لَيْثَ الغَابِ والأُسْدِ مَشْرَعاً
غَدا جَانِحاً في السِّلْم فِيهِ المُحَارِبُ

5. No claws or talons are bared there by beasts
No weapons are drawn by warriors

٥. فَمَا رَعَدَتْ فيهِ لِظَبْيٍ فَرائِصٌ
وَلا نَشَبَتْ فيهِ لِلَيْثَ مَخَالِبُ

6. When you are praised, the water stands still
As your name settles into hearts like melting rock

٦. إذا نَاطِقٌ سَمَّاكَ فَالماءُ جَامِدٌ
لِمَوْقِعهِ في القَلْبِ والصَّخْرُ ذَائِبُ

7. That is only because they fear their Lord
And all in awe of you stand trembling

٧. وَمَا ذاكَ إلاَّ أَنَّهُ خَافَ رَبَّهُ
وَهَابُ فَكُلٌّ خَائِفٌ مِنهُ هائِبُ

8. You don the robe of awe and the night grows dark
Its furrows creased, the night grows grey

٨. تَدرَّعَ ثَوْبَ الهَوْلِ واللَّيْلُ يَافِعٌ
وَشَابَتْ بهِ فَوْداهُ واللَّيْلُ شَائِبُ

9. And dawn breaks to find you sought yet afraid
How can you feel safe when time is hunting you?

٩. وَأَصبحَ مَطلوباً مِن الدَّهرِ خَائِفاً
وَكَيْفَ لهُ بِالأَمْنِ والدَّهْرُ طَالِبُ

10. Neighbor of the heir of Bakheel, seek protection
In the most wondrous shelter, safe from afflictions

١٠. إذا أَنتَ جَارٌ لابن بِاخِلَ فاعتَصِمْ
بِأَرْوَعَ لَمْ تَطْرُقْ حِمَاهُ النوائِبُ

11. Call upon call for Prince Muhammed
Can anyone vie in glory and prevail?

١١. وَنَادٍ بِنَادٍ لِلأميرِ مُحمَّدٍ
أَلا مَن يُغالي في العُلا وَيُغَالِبُ

12. Describe the Umayyad, how oaths twisted him
Where did they find him, weak and defeated?

١٢. وَصِفْ أُمَوِيّاً ما لَوَى المَطْلُ وَعْدَهُ
وَأَنَّى وَجَدَّاهُ لُؤَيٌ وَغالبُ

13. His fathers are revealed by his disgrace
The branches lay bare the noble roots

١٣. وَدَلَّ على آبائهِ بإِبائهِ
وبالفَرْع تَسْتَفْرِى الأُصُولُ الأَطَايِبُ

14. He ruled to the extent of overpowering his peers
How many difficulties has he resolved? How can

١٤. وَقَدْ سَادَ حَتَّى أَوَّلِيه بِمَجْدِهِ
فَهَا عَبْدُ شَمْسٍ مِنهمُ اسْمٌ مُنَاسِبُ

15. The sun's rays not dispel even the deepest darkness?
The Ukaz market his quadrangle and its measure

١٥. وَكْمٌ مُشْكلاتٍ قَد جَلاها وكَيفَ لا
يُخَلَّى بِضَوْءِ الشَّمسِ وَهْيَ غَيَاهِبُ

16. To him we have relinquished the reins
The disciplines of study and self he has mastered

١٦. وسُوقُ عكاظٍ رَبْعُهُ وَهْوَ قُسُّهُ
وَهَا نَحنُ أَلقَتْنا إليهِ السَّبَاسِبُ

17. Befitting his exalted qualities
What wisdom you bring, what marvels

١٧. وَآدابُ دَرْسٍ ثُمَّ نَفْسٍ حَواهُما
فَقَدْ نَاسَبَتْ تِلكَ المَُالي المَناسِبُ

18. With which minds are delighted, however novel
It is as if we see Alexander still living

١٨. وَكَمْ حِكَمٍ تَأْتي بِها وَعَجَائِبٍ
بِها تَأْنَسُ الأَفْهامُ وَهْيَ غَرائِبُ

19. In his town or Aristotle, no deputy

١٩. كَأنَّا نَرَى الإسكندرَ الآنَ قاطِناً
بِبلدتهِ أوأرسطا ليسَ نَائِبُ