
They spoke truly, for they saw the rose hedge -

صدقوا قد نظروا الورد مسيج

1. They spoke truly, for they saw the rose hedge -
Did they see it in a splendor of violet?

١. صَدَقُوا قَدْ نَظَروا الوَرْدَ مُسَيَّجْ
هَلْ رأَوْهُ في عِذَارٍ مِن بَنَفْسَجْ

2. People love, but not like the one
I desired with passion; look and take joy!

٢. عَشِقَ النَّاسُ ولا مِثْلُ الذي
هِمْتُ وَجْداً فِيهِ فَانْظْر وَتَفَرَّجْ

3. Who saw a full moon, a branch, a sapling
Radiant, swaying, freely dancing?

٣. مَنْ رَأَى بَدْراً وَغُصْناً وَنَقًا
قَدْ تَجلَّى وَتَثَنَّى وَتَرَجْرَجْ

4. His face is a copy of beauty inscribed
With a line of down that can be brushed.

٤. وَجهُهُ نُسْخَةُ حُسْنٍ حُرّرَتْ
وَلَها مِن عَارِضٍ سَطْرٌ يُخَرَّجْ

5. One with a wrap like my restless heart
And a skirt that pains my bosom to part,

٥. ذُو وِشَاحٍ مِثلُ قَلْبي قَلِقٍ
وإزَارٍ مِثْلُ صَدْرِي مِنهُ يُحْرَجْ

6. Deaf but whose ears were opened
By curves through which an obtuse is freed.

٦. وَأَصَمٍّ فُتِحَتْ أَسْماعُهُ
بِقَوافٍ كَمْ بِها يُفْتَحُ مُرْتَجْ

7. One said, "Is this poetry for you or a pearl?"
Saying it's finer than pearls and more fair.

٧. قَالَ شِعْرٌ لكَ أَمْ دُرٌّ علَى
أَنَّهُ أَبْهَى مِن الدُّرِّ وَأَبْهَجْ

8. I said, "The crown of religion is his description."
He said, "This is the king of eminent poetry."

٨. قُلْتُ تَاجُ الدِّينِ فيهِ وَصْفُهُ
قالَ هذا مَلِكُ الشِّعْرِ المُتَوَّجْ