1. Many a dark-skinned woman, her figure like the purest ebony,
Has not erred in her color or softness.
١. وَرُبَّ سَمْراءَ كالسَّمْراءِ قَامتُها
ما أَخطَأَتْ شَبَهاً في اللَّوْنِ واللِّينِ
2. Her beauty has captivated my mind and pierced my liver.
I seek refuge with her Creator from her with jasmine flowers.
٢. لَقَد سَبى حُسنُها عَقلي وَلي كَبِدٌ
أُعِيذُ فَاطِرَها مِنها بِياسِينِ