1. Time has changed you, glory to Him whom
Change does not affect from His state
١. غَيَّرتْكَ الأَيَّامُ سُبْحَانَ مَن لا
يَعْتَرِيهِ عَن حَالهِ التَّغييرُ
2. And you have become arrogant beyond your status
While the fates flow and the cycles spin
٢. وَتطاوَلْتَ فَوقَ قَدْرِكَ والأَ
قْدارُ تَجْرِي والدَّائراتُ تَدُورُ
3. And you winked at me belatedly
While Allah is the judge and the helper
٣. وَتَخازَرْتَ لي بِمُؤَخِرِ عَيْنٍ
لكَ واللّهُ نَاقِدٌ وَنَصِيرُ
4. And you turned away from asking while
Munkar and Nakir have despaired in the grave
٤. وَتَصَامَمْتَ عَن سُؤالٍ وَقَد أُ
مِّلَ في القَبْرِ مُنْكَرٌ وَنَكِيرُ
5. Time will take revenge on you if it deceived you
And deluded you while life is delusion
٥. يَنصُفُ الدّهْرُ منكَ إنْ غَرَّكَ الدَّه
رُ وأَغراكَ والحَياةُ غُرورُ