1. No wonder the ranks fell short of your worth,
And before them the stars failed to match your stature,
١. لا غَرْوَ أَنْ صَغُرَتْ عَن قَدْرِكَ الرُّتَبُ
وَقَبْلَها قَصرَتْ عَن شَأْوِكَ الشُّهُبُ
2. Nothing of time escaped you that one with hope could attain,
You reached heights while people grew weary of pursuit,
٢. مَافَاتَكَ الدَّهْرَ شَيْءٌ فَاتَ ذَا أَمَلٍ
أَدْرَكْتَ والقَومُ قَدْ أعْياهُمُ الطَّلَبُ
3. How the kings of earth exalted you and confessed
That they fell short of some of what was due,
٣. كَمْ عَظَّمتْكَ مُلُوكُ الأرضِ واعتَرَفَتْ
بِأنَّها قَصَّرَتْ مِن بَعْضِ مَا يَجِبُ
4. And that was for reasons that pass away,
No good in raising a status that has no cause,
٤. وَكانَ ذاكَ لأَسبابٍ يَمُتُّ بها
لا خَيْرَ في رَفْعِ قَدْرٍ مَالَهُ سَبَبُ
5. You adorned Egypt with a beauty that was stripped from it,
And wearing is not equal to stripping,
٥. أَلبَستَ مِصْراً جَمالاً كانَ قَدْ سُلِبَتْ
قِدْماً وَمَا يَتَسَاوَى اللِّبْسُ والسَّلَبُ
6. So this Nile did not dance randomly,
But flowed gently, thrilled with joy,
٦. فَما تَراقَصَ هذا النِّيلُ عَن عَبَثٍ
وإنَّما خَفَّ مَسْروراً بهِ الطَّرَبُ
7. Your patience has forgone blame, so no surprise
Whether a babbler or milker of sheep,
٧. قَدْ ضَمَّ حِلْمُكَ بَرَّيْهَا فَلا عَجَبٌ
هَبْ أَنَّ ذا جِلِّقٌ أوْ أَنّ ذا حَلَبُ
8. You revived the memory of kings whose pride
Was to succeed you, but they are gone and you remain,
٨. أَحْيَيْتَ ذِكْرَ مُلُوكٍ كانَ فَخرُهُمُ
أَنْ خَلّفُوكَ فَهُمْ بَاقُون مَا ذَهَبُوا