
I have been raised above complaining by the blessing of the seeker

رقيت من الشكوى بنعمة طالب

1. I have been raised above complaining by the blessing of the seeker
So you are the most generous raincloud for the coldness of innocence

١. رُقِيتُ مِن الشَّكْوَى بِنعْمةِ طَالبِ
فَأَنتَ لِبّرْدِ البُرءِ أكْرَمُ سَاحِبِ

2. And no complaint of the generous has been raised like it
When they cry out, a listening ear for the desirer

٢. وَمَا رُقِيَتْ شَكْوَى الكِرامِ بمِثْلها
إذا مَا أَصَاخُوا مُنْصِتٌ مَن لِراغِبِ

3. Through you today the forehead of glory and nobility has been healed
And convictions in you have been proven to not be lies

٣. بِكَ اليومَ صَحَّتْ مُهجَةُ المَجْدِ والعُلا
وَصَحَّتْ ظُنُونٌ فِيكَ غَيْرُ كَواذِبِ

4. And freshness has shone on the face of generosity
And through it has shown us the complexion of the wan

٤. ولاحَتْ علَى وَجْهِ المكارِم نَضْرَةٌ
ومِن قَبلِها أَبْدَتْ لَنا لوْنَ شَاحِبِ

5. Take a share, gathering of delegates, from here
That dusts, rubbing the faces of calamities

٥. خُذُوا بِنَصِيبٍ مَعْشَرَ الوَفَدِ مِن هَنا
يُغَبّرُ حَثْواً في وُجُوهِ النَّوائِبِ

6. And bestow, for we have lost the one whose right hand
Had the soft dew of the king of hopes, gentlest of gifts

٦. وَهُبُّوا فَقَدْنَا داكُمُ مَن بِيَمِينهِ
نَدَى مَلِكِ الآمَالِ رَقّّ المَواهِبِ

7. He is the perfect waist, serious, verdant, tender
If the sea does not swallow the sailor's confusion

٧. هُوَ الخَصِرُ الجَمُّ الجَدّى الخضِرُ الندا
إذا لَمْ يَبُلَّ البَحْرُ غُلَّةَ شَارِبِ

8. Children of glorious Hasan, you have settled before them
And have not cast a rope beneath them beyond the setting sun

٨. بَني الحَسَنِ العَلْياءُ قَرَّتْ لَدَيكُمُ
وَلَمْ تُلْقِ حَبْلاً دُونَكُمْ فَوْقَ غارِبِ

9. And you have clarified with the full moon in every path
Obscure, and with proof the ways of doctrine

٩. وَأَوضَحْتُم بالبَدْرِ في كُلّ مَنْهَجٍ
خَفّي وبِالبُرْهانِ سُبْلَ المَذاهِبِ

10. And your days are white, healing as though
You have poured upon them your virtues

١٠. وأَيامُكُمْ بِيضٌ تَشِفُّ كأَنَّما
أَفَضْتُمْ عَليها مَالَكُمْ مِن مَناقِبِ

11. To you, Imam of the age, sincere praise
Commendation and love in both no lie

١١. إليكَ إمَامَ العصرِ مِدْحَةَ صَادقٍ
ثَنَاءً وَوُدّاً فيهُما غَيْرَ كاذِبِ

12. Congratulating you if you have been enriched with health by illness
And reward, both undoubtedly the best of consequences

١٢. يُهَنّيكَ إنْ أَغْنَيْتَ بالسُّقْمِ صِحَّةً
وَأَجْراً هُمَا لاشَكَّ خَيْرُ العَواقِبِ