
I sent it to you as a gift, as if it were

بعثت به نضوا إليك كأنه

1. I sent it to you as a gift, as if it were
An apparition of Layla at the end of night visiting

١. بَعَثْتُ بهِ نِضْواً إليكَ كَأَنَّهُ
خَيالٌ لِليلَى آخِرَ اللَّيلِ طَارِقِ

2. Sorrow has emaciated it until we thought it
Bore all the illness for every lover

٢. بَراهُ الضَّنَى حتَّى ظَنّناهُ أَنَّهُ
تَحمَّلَ كُلَّ السُّقْمِ عنْ كلِّ عَاشِقِ

3. It sees the earring like the earring in Ghadah's ear
So it runs with a fluttering heart without fluttering

٣. يَرَى القُرْطَ مِثلَ القُرْطِ في أُذْنِ غَادَةٍ
فَيعدُو بقلبٍ خافقٍ دُونَ خافقِ

4. Hidden from sights unless it moans
Over the cups - no eye has limited it to a sipper

٤. خَفيٌّ عنِ الأبصارِ لولا نَواحُهُ
على الفُولِ ما حَدَّتْهُ عَينٌ لِرامقِ

5. It owns half of that house if it all
Befriended sorrow - in it is no food for an intimate

٥. لَهُ نِصْفُ ذاكَ البَيتِ إذْ كانَ كلُّهُ
حَلِيفَ الضَّنَى مافيهِ قُوتٌ لِناسقِ