
You came before Eid, and Eid was acknowledging

وأقبلت قبل العيد والعيد عارف

1. You came before Eid, and Eid was acknowledging
That the eminent one is the one preceding.

١. وأَقبلْتَ قَبلَ العِيدِ والعيدُ عَارِفٌ
وَمُعْترِفٌ أَنَّ المُهِمَّ المُقَدَّمُ

2. Your right hand was more radiant in its joy
Than its crescent, and your auspicious day

٢. يَمينُكَ أَبهى بَهْجَةً مِن هِلالهِ
وَخُمْسُكَ لا عَشْرٌ من الشَّهْرِ يُلْثَمُ

3. Surpassed the tenth of the month in delight.
You are but God's mercy set forth

٣. وَمَا أَنتَ إلا رَحْمةُ اللَّهِ سَاقَها
إلى بَلَدٍ عَاداتُها بِكَ تُزْحَمُ

4. To a land whose customs are pressed by you.
By your right hand - for you are the full moon in meaning and form -

٤. يَمِيناً لأَنتَ البَدْرُ مَعْنىً وَصُورَةً
وَلولا اعتِقَادي ذا لمَا كُنتُ أُقسِمُ