1. O Abul Muzaffar, I have gained no blessing
Except finding you opening its door for me
١. أَبَا المُظفَّرِ مَا ظَفِرْتُ بِنعْمَةٍ
إلاَّ وَجَدْتُكَ فَاتِحاً لي بَابَها
2. And to you I complete a story, not a biography
With the tails of your kindness its causes cling
٢. وإليكَ أُنهِي قِصَّةً لا سِيرةً
بِذيُولِ فَضْلِكَ أَعْلَقَتْ أسْبابَها
3. So relieve the straitness of distress from its relief
For at the great Shaykh it destroyed its youth
٣. فَافْرِجٌ مَضِيقَ الكَرْبِ عَن فُرْجتِه
أَفْنَتْ لَدَى الشَّيْخِ الكَبِيرِ شَبَابَها
4. I destroyed its intensity, and the splendor did not betray
Its peers, never! Nor its companions
٤. أَفنَيْتُ جِدَّتَها وَمَا خَانَ الصِّبَا
أَقْرانَها كَلاَّ وَلا أَتْرَابَها
5. And for long it concealed the ugliness of my clothes
Before time tore its veils
٥. وَلَطَالَمَا سَتَرَتْ قَبِيحَ مَلابِسي
مِن قَبْلِ مَاهَتَكَ الزَّمانُ حِجَابَها
6. And it started holding assemblies in service to me
Making through it slaves as lords for me
٦. وَغَدَتْ تُقِيمُ ليَ المحَافِلَ خِدُمَةً
جَعَلَتْ عَبِيداً لي بِها أَرْبَابَها
7. So gain my praise promptly and its praise
And profit my deferred reward and its reward
٧. فَاغْنَمْ ثَنائي عَاجِلاً وَثَناءَهَا
وَارْبَحْ ثَوابي آجلاً وَثَوَابَها
8. And make for it a replacement, your kindness precedes
Confirming it and actualizing its syntax
٨. وَاجْعَلْ لَها بَدَلاً وَعَطْفُكَ سَابِقٌ
تَوْكِيدَها وَمُحقِّقٌ إعْرابَها