
With a heart as hard as the cruel ages,

وذى دمل كالدهر شدة قسوة

1. With a heart as hard as the cruel ages,
Behind an impenetrable veil, beyond reproach,

١. وَذِى دُمَّلٍ كالدَّهْرِ شِدَّةَ قَسْوَةٍ
مَنيعَ حِجابٍ عَن بُلُوغ المَراهِم

2. So tough and harsh, as though shaped
By the grasping hand of a miser, or the heart of an oppressor.

٢. عَسَا وَقَسَا حتَّى كأَنَّ مَجَسَّهُ
يَمِينُ بَخيلٍ ظَنَّ أَو قَلبُ ظَالِمِ