
You have shepherded this army with your watchful eye

ورعيت هذا الجيش منك بناظر

1. You have shepherded this army with your watchful eye
Its care has hardly been neglected in your sleep

١. وَرَعَيْتَ هذا الجيشَ مِنكَ بِناظِرٍ
مَا كادَ يُهْمَلُ رَعْيُهُ بِمَنامِ

2. And you have brought swords under the command of pens
So swords submit themselves to pens

٢. وَرَدَدْتَ لِلأَقلامِ أَمْرَ سُيُوفهِ
فَأَقرَّتِ الأَسيافُ لِلأَقلامِ