1. I have abandoned the evils of worldly pleasures,
And weaned myself from drinking after infancy.
١. فَضَضتُ عَنِ الدَّنِّ مِسْكَ الخِتامِ
وَرَاضَعْتُ شُرْبيَ بَعدَ الفِطامِ
2. But how can I remain steadfast in repentance
When my nature has defeated the fasting month?
٢. وَكَيْفَ ثُبُوتي علَى تَوْبَةٍ
وَقَد هَزَمَ الفِطْرُ شَهْرَ الصِّيامِ
3. The crescent moon of nightfall arrives
With remnants of its illumination beneath the veil.
٣. وَلاحَ هِلاُل الدُّجَى قَادِماً
بَقَايَا مُحَيَّاهُ تَحْتَ اللِّثَامِ
4. So arise, we will receive it as a guest,
A creeping vine whose grapes we pick after weaning.
٤. فَقُمْ نَصْطَبِحْها سُلافاً لها
دَبِيبٌ تُسَارِقُهُ في الفِطامِ
5. The one with beautiful eyes circulates around it
We were drunk with his eyes before the wine.
٥. يطوفُ بها بَابِليُّ اللِّحاظِ
سَكِرْنا بِعَيْنيهِ قَبْلَ المُدامِ
6. I have won over his waist what his
Glances had won over me of illness.
٦. جَنَيْتُ على خَصْرِهِ مَا جَنتْهُ
عَليَّ لَواحِظُهُ مِن سَقَامِ
7. I poured for him while still in the days of youth,
For him in blossoming there is the age of a lad.
٧. صَبَوْتُ لَهُ وَزَمانُ الصِّبا
لَهُ في النَّضارَةِ عُمْرُ الغُلامِ
8. May God maintain a covenant of youth now passed
Even if the reins are not held for us.
٨. رَعَى اللَّهُ عَهداً مَضَى لِلشَّبابِ
وَإنْ لَمْ يُراعِ لنا مِن ذِمَامِ
9. And keep for us your everlasting eternity,
And with it the good memory of generous men.
٩. وَأَبقَى لنا خُلْدَكَ الفائِزيَّ
وأَبقَى بهِ طِيبَ ذِكرِ الكِرامِ