
The repentant are strewn around its walls,

ترى الندامى حول حيطانها

1. The repentant are strewn around its walls,
Slain without having tasted a single drop.

١. تَرَى النَّدامَى حَوْلَ حِيطَانِها
صَرْعَى وَمَا ذَاقُوا وَلا قَطْرَه

2. Once, after its long existence,
Iblis was called Father of Bitterness.

٢. وَمُرَّةً مِن طُولِ مَا عُمِرِّتْ
كُنِّيَ إبْلِيسُ أَبَا مُرَّه