
You clothed me with a fur coat, so winter fled from me

كسوتني فروة فر الشتاء بها

1. You clothed me with a fur coat, so winter fled from me
And turned away, as the hordes of Tatars turned away.

١. كَسَوْتَني فَرْوَةً فَرَّ الشِّتاءُ بِها
عَنّى وَوَلَّى كَمَا وَلَّتْ جُمُوعُ تَتَرْ

2. The Pleiades yearn that you may gleam with it -
Black as the night, though the moon gave it to me as a gift.

٢. تَوَدُّ شُهْبُ الدَّيَاجِي لَوْ تَلُوحُ بِها
سَوْداءَ كاللَّيلِ أَهْداهَا إليَّ قَمَرْ

3. Were it not for it, I would be chilled, but my
Furrier made for me a bond as of musk or ambergris.

٣. كُنْتُ المُبرّدَ لَوْلاها وقَد جَعَلَ ال
فَرَّاءُ لي رَابِطاً كالمِسْكِ أَو خَبَرْ

4. When I wore it among a group, they were amazed,
And one of them said, "Who is this prince?"

٤. إذا خَطَرْتُ بِها في مَعْشَرٍ دُهِشُوا
وَقَالَ قَائِلُهُمْ مَنْ ذا الأَمِيرُ عَبَرْ

5. With a collar of sable, whose beauties almost
Seemed to the leaves in their clusters to be chameleons.

٥. بِطَوْقِ سَمُّورَةٍ كادَتْ مَحاسِنُهُ
تَكُونُ لِلوُرْقِ في أفْنَانِهنَّ سَمَرْ

6. If 'Amr boasted of the collar which they alleged,
Say "Yet 'Umar grew up in the minister's collar."

٦. إنْ شَبَّ عَمْروٌ عنِ الطَّوْقِ الذي زَعَمُوا
فَقُلْ وَقَدْ شَبَّ في طَوْقِ الوَزِيرِ عُمَرْ