
I shall not forget when she bade me farewell weeping,

لم أنس إذ ودعتني وهي باكية

1. I shall not forget when she bade me farewell weeping,
With cheeks untouched by flame in the darkness.

١. لَمْ أَنْسَ إذْ وَدَّعَتْني وَهْيَ بَاكِيةٌ
وبِالحَشَا ما بِخَدَّيْها مِن اللَّهَبِ

2. She sent forth a moist pearl that she softly moved
From above a dyed camlet worn by one who dyes.

٢. فَأَرسَلَتْ لُؤْلُؤاً رَطْباً تُكفكِفُهُ
مِن فَوقِ مُخْتضِبٍ قَانٍ لِمُخْتَضِبِ

3. She brought me news of meeting her phantom. I said "And who
Can sleep?" She said "You have adorned desire with this."

٣. وَبَشَّرَتني بِلُقْيا الطَّيْفِ قُلتُ ومَنْ
يَنامُ قَالتْ لَقَدْ أَجمَلْت في الَّطلَبِ

4. If you are robbing her eyes of their sleep,
Then I shall protect the robbed from the robber.

٤. إنْ كُنتِ سالِبةً عَيَنَيْكِ نَومَهما
فَقَدْ أَمُنُّ على المسْلوبِ بالسَّلَبِ