1. Do people know that in my fast I have
Poured love for a fair one like the moon?
١. هَلْ تَعلَمُ النَّاسُ أَنّي في صِيامِيَ قَد
صَبَوْتُ عِشْقاً إلى بَيضاءَ كالقَمَرِ
2. A houri looking in the mirror at her beauty -
O this one is not of human kind!
٢. حَوْراءُ تَنظُرُ في المِرآةِ طَلْعَتَها
يَا هذهِ ليسَ هذا الجِنْسُ لِلبَشَرِ
3. Maybe she has been created from me, yet her place
Is closer to my heart than my hearing or sight.
٣. وَرُبَّما قُلِيَتْ مِنّي وَمَوْضِعُها
أَدْنى لِقَلْبي مِن سَمْعي وَمِن بَصَري
4. Modest in a robe that concealed her splendor
So I said, “Beauty is not concealed by robes.”
٤. وَصَائِن في إزارٍ صَانَ بَهّجَتها
فَقلْتُ لَيْسَ يُصَانُ الحُسْنُ بالأُزُرِ
5. She spent the night while you were in my breast; she did not
Leave from evening by my rule until dawn.
٥. بَاتَتْ وَعَيْشِكَ في صَدْرِي فَما بَرِحَتْ
مِن العَشَاءِ علَى حُكْمِي إلى سَحَرِ
6. I complain to her of the fire in my heart while she
Complains multiples of it - both of us speaking true.
٦. أَشْكُو لها نَارَ قَلبي وَهْيَ شْاكِيَةٌ
أَضْعَافَها وَكِلانا صَادِقُ الخَبَرِ
7. And I make lawful her protection without
Committing a sin against God in rhythm or prose.
٧. وأَسْتبيحُ حِمَاهَا غَيْرَ مُقْتَرِفٍ
ذَنْباً مِن اللَّهِ في وِرْدٍ ولا صَدَرِ
8. Until when the caller to prayer awoke I arose and we
Smelt the sweet scent of perfume upon perfume.
٨. حتَّى إذا ثَوَّبَ الدَّاعِي نَهضْتُ وقد
خِفْنا نَمِيمَةَ طِيبٍ فَوقَها عَطِرِ
9. Neither tomorrow will the rain be her shelter and dwelling
But rather I say tomorrow and the downpour of rain.
٩. فَلا غَدا القَطْرُ مَغْناها وَمَنزِلَها
لا بَلْ أَقولُ غَداها وابِلُ المَطَرِ
10. May Allah not greet whoever brings his visit
Closer to her than me - in it is no burden or danger.
١٠. وَلا لَحَى اللَّهُ مَن يُدْني زِيارَتَها
مِنّي فَما فِيهِ مِن وِزْرٍ وَلا خَطَرِ