1. Does my messenger hasten to fulfill his promise?
He is nearer than the stars I wishfully watch.
١. أَيُذَلُّ رُسْلي في اقْتضاءِ وُعُودِهِ
وَأَقْرَبُ مِمَّا أَرْتَجِيهِ الكَواكِبُ
2. I journey to him, pilgrim after pilgrim,
As the saddles were changed beneath the mail.
٢. وأُفْضِي إليهِ قَاصِداً بَعْدَ قَاصِدٍ
كَمَا بُدِّلَتْ تَحْتَ البَريِدِ الجَنائِبُ
3. If the lightning's flash and the winds sped to him,
Still, no and no! A liar cannot overtake.
٣. وَلَوْ سَارَ وَمْضُ البَرْقِ والرِّيحُ عِنْدَهُ
لَكَلاَّ وَكَلاَّ لَيْسَ يُدرِكُ كاذِبُ