
To you, with permission, people and generosity have come

إليك بالإذن صار الناس والجود

1. To you, with permission, people and generosity have come
So we never lack a prisoner in you that is present

١. إليكَ بِالإذْنِ صارَ الناسُ والجُودُ
فَلا عَدِمْنا فَقِيداً فِيكَ مَوجُودُ

2. And for spring a tongue that has remained reciting to us
The plants are most plentiful and the sultan is praised

٢. وَلِلرَّبِيعِ لِسانٌ ظَلَّ يُنشِدُنا
النَّبتُ أَغيَدُ والسُّلطانُ مَحمودُ

3. And the rain has come from it frowning like a king
How often has its victory with it been witnessed

٣. وأَقبلَ الغَيثُ منهُ حَاجِباً مَلِكاً
كَمْ شاعَ يَوماً لهُ بالنَّصرِ مَشهودُ

4. And the Nile, how much has it envied the judge over a king
Generosity was imagined in it, but it itself is generosity

٤. والنِّيلُ كَمْ حَسَدَ القاضِي على مَلِكٍ
تَصوَّرَ الجُودُ فيهِ بَلْ هُوَ الجُودُ

5. A king who defends hearts with his favors against
What his forefathers had refined with their hunt

٥. مَلْكٌ يَصدُّ بِنُعماهُ القلوبَ على
ماهَذَّبتْهُ بهِ آباؤهُ الصِّيدُ

6. So for the nobility of ancestors and generosity together
Its banner where the star remains bound

٦. فَيَا لَجُدودِ العَوالي والجدودِ معاً
لِواؤُهُ حَيثُ حَلَّ النَّجْمُ مَعْقُودُ

7. It has a law of justice according to which a legislation
The lion of glory and greatness and esteem and the master

٧. لَهُ شَرِيعةُ عَدْلٍ عِنْدَها شَرَعٌ
أُسْدُ الفَلا والمَها والشّاءُ والسِّيدُ

8. O composer of censure in the nights of his envious
Like a craft that did not lack from his composition good

٨. يَا نَاظِمَ الطَّعْن في لَبَّاتِ حُسَّدِهِ
كَصَنعةٍ ما خَلا مِن نَظْمهِ جِيدُ

9. I have indeed come with it the effort of the impaired and for the
Horseman with it and resident of the house warbling

٩. لَقَد أَتيْتُ بها جُهْدَ المُقِلِّ ولل
سّارِى بها ومُقِيمُ الدَّارِ تَغْرِيدُ