
Praise be to God for two dear friends, mine

لله من أملحين مذ وصلا

1. Praise be to God for two dear friends, mine
Since I tied my rope to the rope of my wants;

١. لِلّهِ مِن أَمْلَحينِ مُذْ وَصَلا
وَصَلْتُ حَبلي بِحْبلِ أغْراضِي

2. And if their butcher's role did thrive,
We would need the ruler and the judge to survive.

٢. فَلَوْ نُمِى لِلجَزَّارِ أَمْرُهُما
صِرْنا لِوالي البِلادِ والقاضِي