
You built on piety from God a mosque,

بنيتم على تقوى من الله مسجدا

1. You built on piety from God a mosque,
And the best buildings of worshippers are mosques.

١. بَنَيْتُمْ علَى تَقْوًى مِن اللَّهِ مَسْجِداً
وَخَيْرُ مَبَاني العَابِدينَ المَسَاجِدُ

2. So say in a known decoration above a blessing,
For its apparent beauty the sea is envious of it.

٢. فَقُلْ في طِرازٍ مُعْلَمٍ فَوقَ بِرْكَةٍ
علَى حُسْنهِ الزَّاهِي لها البَحرُ حَاسِدُ

3. It has various beautiful features, but its decoration
Is from the populated mosque of God the One.

٣. لَها حُلَلٌ شَتَّى وَلكِنْ طِرازُها
مِن الجامعِ المَعْمُورِ بِاللَّهِ وَاحِدُ

4. It is the mosque of benevolence, beauty and which
Zayd, Amr and Khalid approved of.

٤. هُوَ الجَامِعُ الإحْسانَ والحُسْنَ والذي
أَقَرَّ لهُ زَيْدٌ وَعَمْرٌو وَخالِدُ

5. The darkness' meteors have shaken hands with its balconies,
So it is not between the meteors except asleep.

٥. وَقَدْ صَافَحَتْ شُهْبَ الدُّجَى شُرفاتُهُ
فَما هِيَ بَيْنَ الشُّهْبِ إلاَّ فَرَاقِدُ

6. Its high minaret has guided the neighbors,
So no one is lost from it and no one is deviating from it.

٦. وَقَدْ أَرشَدَ الجِيرانَ عَالي مَنَارِهِ
فَلا حَائِر عَنْهُ ولا عَنهُ حَائِدُ

7. The bells of neighborhoods got a painful cry,
And fear, so no arms were extended to them.

٧. وَنَالَتْ نواقِيسَ الدِّياراتِ وَجْمَةٌ
وَخَوْفٌ فَلَمْ يُمْدَدْ إليهن سَاعِدُ

8. The patriarchs cried over them in the darkness,
And they are before them discarded like pillows.

٨. تَبكَّى عليهنَّ البَطاريقُ في الدُّجَى
وَهُنَّ لَدَيْهمْ مُلْقَياتٌ كَواسِدُ

9. With this the days have fulfilled what is between its people,
The calamities of a people with another people are benefits.

٩. بِذا قَضَتِ الأَيامُ مابَيْنَ أَهْلِها
مَصَائِبُ قَوْمٍ عِنْدَ قَوْمٍ فَوَائِدُ