
With you the light of my faith grows bright

بك نور الدين أضحى

1. With you the light of my faith grows bright
And hope's face is radiant in my sight

١. بِكَ نُور الدِّينِ أَضْحَى
مُشْرِقاً وَجْهُ رَجائي

2. Convey to the Judge my thanks and delight
For the light of faith, my thanks recite

٢. أبلغِ القاضِيَ نُورَ ال
دِِّينِ شُكْرِي وَثَنائي

3. Today I'm a lamp; my light and my shine
Come from his light that on me doth shine

٣. وأَنا اليومَ سِراجٌ
وَهْوَ نُورِي وَضِيائي