1. It is time for those who bid farewell to youth
To leave aside the cup and drink
١. آنَ لِمَن وَدَّعَ الشَّبابَا
أَنْ يَدَعَ الكأْسَ والشَّرَابَا
2. Leave me be, my friend, for gray hair
Has made reproach weighty
٢. عَنِيَّ بالرَّاحِ يَا نَدِيمي
فالشَّيْب قَدْ أغْلَظَ الخِطابَا
3. Old age's falcon forcibly snatched away
My turban, that stylish wrap
٣. أَطارَ بَازِي المَشِيبِ قَسْراً
عَنْ لِمَّتي ذلكَ الغُرابَا
4. Flattery does not suit my nature-
How could I approve of dye?
٤. وَما المُداجَاةُ لي بِخُلْقٍ
فَكَيْفَ أَسْتَحْسِنُ الخِضابَا
5. Many are the days I rode
My whims, when the stirrups were light for me
٥. رُبَّ زَمانٍ رَكِبْتُ فيهِ
لَهْوِي وَقَدْ خَفَّ لي رِكابَا
6. And youth made me delight
In all that was sweet and splendid
٦. أَمْتَعَني والشَّبابُ غَضٌّ
بِكلِّ مَا لَذَّ لي وَطَابَا
7. Morn comes to me still drowsy,
And night does not remove my worry
٧. يَأْتي صَبُوحِي علَى غَبُوقي
واللَّيْلُ لَمْ يَنْزَعِ الإهَابَا
8. How awful is an era whose goodness
Has withered and whose fruit has rotted
٨. وَسَوْءَةً سَؤءَةً لِعَصْرٍ
أَصْفَرَ مِن خَيْرِهِ الوِطَابَا
9. I do not blame any but my own fortune
If only it could hear reproach
٩. وَمَا عِتَابي لِغَيْرِ حَظِّي
لو أنَّهُ يَسْمَعُ العِتَابَا