
And a caller I alerted after she despaired

وهاتفة نبهتها بعد ما ونت

1. And a caller I alerted after she despaired
From anguish, and you hid from the fever, an enclosure

١. وَهَاتِفَةٍ نَبَّهتُها بَعْدَ مَا وَنَتْ
مِن النوحِ واكتنَّتْ أَراكَ الحِمى وَكْرا

2. She wept - if only she wept like me with a lover's tear
Yet far away is the outpouring of tears, another station

٢. بَكَتْ لَوْ بَكتْ مِثلي بِدَمْعَةِ عَاشِقٍ
وَهَيْهاتَ فَيْضُ الدَّمْعِ مَرْتَبةٌ أُخرَى

3. And we embraced then, so tight was our embrace
As many a withered branch embraces one still green

٣. وَقَد ضَمَّنا إذْ ذَاكَ ضِيقُ عِنَاقِنا
وَكَمْ ضَمَّ غُصْنٌ ذَابِلٌ غُصُناً نَضْرا

4. They think the veil conceals her face
Yet the glow of her cheek outshines any veil

٤. يَظنونَ أَنَّ الخِدْر يَحْجُبُ وَجْهَهَا
وَضَوْءُ مُحَيَّاهَا الذي يَحجُبُ الخِدْرا