
You deceived me about the owner of the hair

وخادعتني عن صاحب الشعرة التي

1. You deceived me about the owner of the hair
That seemed a flag under which the inclined spear was

١. وَخَادعْتَني عن صاحِبِ الشِّعْرةِ التي
بَدَتْ عَلَماً من تَحتِها الرُّمحُ مائِلا

2. And the one who brings good fortune to the youth
Believe her whoever among people talks

٢. وَتلكَ التي تُدْني السَّعَادَةَ لِلفَتى
فَصَدِّقْ بِها مَن كانَ في النَّاسِ قائِلا

3. If she comes forward, she is led by a hair
And if she turns away, she leads chains

٣. إذا أَقبَلتْ جَاءَتْ تُقادُ بِشَعْرةٍ
وَإنْ أَدبَرَتْ وَلَّتْ تَقُدُّ السَّلاسِلا