
And over their armor they armored their hearts,

وتدرعوا فوق الدروع قلوبهم

1. And over their armor they armored their hearts,
And the dark night is shooting stars boring through chests,

١. وَتَدَرَّعُوا فَوقَ الدُّروعِ قُلُوبَهُمْ
والسُّمْرُ شُهْبٌ في النُّحِورِ تَغُورُ

2. And a literate man who drank blood and shook off
From his sides, as though he were drunk.

٢. وَمُثقّفٍ شَرِبَ الدِّماءَ وَهَزَّ من
أَعطافهِ فَكأَنَّهُ مخمُورُ