
O granter of virtuous prayers when they call upon You

ياواهب الصلحاء من دعواته

1. O granter of virtuous prayers when they call upon You
Above all contained in Your responding to their prayers

١. ياواهِبَ الصُّلَحَاءِ من دَعَواتهِ
فَوقَ الذي يَحوِي مُجَابُ دُعائِها

2. She has asked of You, O Most Merciful, in the darkness of night
Beneath black coverings in their gloom

٢. سَالَتْ لكَ الرَّحمنَ في جُنْحِ الدُّجَى
تَحْتَ المُسُوحِ السُّودِ مِن ظَلمائِها