1. They said: make it into perfect pearls that will benefit you in whatever vision you lack from us openly.
And it was said: take it without piercing so I said to them - this accords the weakness of the eye and its effect.
١. قَالُوا اتّخِذه لُؤْلُؤاً كُحْلاً يُفيدُكَ في
ما أنتَ شَاكٍ لَنا مِن ظَاهِر البَصَرِ
٢. وَقِيلَ خُذْهُ بِلا ثَقْبٍ فَقُلتُ لَهُمْ
هذا يُوافِقُ ضَعْفَ العَيْنِ والأَثَرِ