
Bankruptcy has tied for me a repentance

قد عقد الإفلاس لي توبة

1. Bankruptcy has tied for me a repentance
I hadn't tied before it became tied

١. قَدْ عَقَدَ الإفْلاسُ لي تَوْبَةً
مَاخِلْتُها من قبلهِ تَنْعَقِدْ

2. And it has sufficed me as a preacher and deterrent
That with decency no money we find

٢. وَقَدْ كَفاني وَاعِظاً زَاجِراً
أَنَّ مِن العِفَّةِ مَالا نَجِدْ

3. And my gray hair came to increase the estrangement
So I said suffice what has passed do not increase

٣. وَجَاءَ شَيْبي لِيَزِيدَ الجفَا
فَقُلْتُ يكْفِي مَا جَرَى لا تُزِدْ