
My cooking pot for my family

وقدر طبيخي لأجل العيال

1. My cooking pot for my family
Fears the ships will sink in it

١. وَقِدْرُ طَبيخي لأَجْلِ العِيالِ
يَخافُ على السُّفْنِ فيها الغَرَقْ

2. And if an extra guest arrives, add a jug of sauce
It is no loss to us, whoever knocks

٢. وَإنْ زادَ طَارٍ يُزَدْ كَوز زيرٍ
فَليسَ بِضَائرِنا مَن طَرَقْ

3. And how often my cooking pot complained about me
With that extra addition until it boiled over

٣. وَكَمْ مَرَّةٍ ضَجَّ مِنّي الطَّبِيخُ
بِتلكَ الزِّيادَةِ حَتَّى مَرَقْ

4. And I feared drowning in the Nile that
It would be said the lamp's fire burned him

٤. وَخِفْتُ لِغَرْقي من النِّيلِ أَنْ
يُقالَ بِنارِ السِّراجِ احتَرَقْ