
He who did not extend to me a helping hand

من لم يمد نداه لي براحة

1. He who did not extend to me a helping hand
I have bound my feet from him with despair's chain

١. مَنْ لَمْ يَمُدَّ نَداهُ ليَّ بِراحَةٍ
أَلْزَمْتُ رِجْلي عنهُ قَيْدَ الياسِ

2. And he who strove to do me good, his kindness to me indeed grows less
While my striving for him continues endlessly

٢. وَلَقَدْ يَقِلُّ لِمنْ سَعَى ليَّ بِرُّهُ
سَعْيي علَى عَيْني إليهِ وَراسِي