
We need no light, the sun's delayed its time

ما علينا ضوء وقد أبطأ الشم

1. We need no light, the sun's delayed its time
So pitch with us night's tents of obscurity

١. مَا عَلَيْنا ضَوْءٌ وَقَد أَبْطَأ الشَّمْ
عُ فَقَوِّضْ بِنَا خِيامَ الدَّيَاجي

2. And make up for its loss by shedding night
That hardly can be pierced by lamp's clarity

٢. وَتَدارَكْ مِنَّا عَلَيْهِ ظَلاماً
لَمْ يَكَدْ يَنْجلِي بِنُورِ السِّراجِ