1. Bread alone has no excess for sauce
So be content and end talk of blame
١. مَا مَعَ الخُبْزِ فَضْلَةٌ لِلإدامِ
فَاقنعِي واقطَعي حَدِيثَ المَلامِ
2. Give us good news of the bread basket pregnant
And reveal from its softness a boy
٢. بَشّرِينا بِسَلَّةِ الخُبْزِ حُبْلَى
وافرجِي من رُغفانِها بِغُلامِ
3. Dance him lightly, a cheek growing roses
Beauty shining a face like the full moon
٣. رَقِّصِيهِ مُرَ بْرَبَ الخَدِّ بَادِي
الحُسْنِ يَجلُو وَجْهاً كَبَدْرِ التَّمامِ
4. For he will sustain you over all others
And nothing will sustain you but him, and taste my words
٤. فَهُْوَ يُغنيكِ عن سِواهُ ولا
يُغْنِيكِ عنهُ شيءٌ وَذُوقي كلامي
5. Leave us from sauce and count
The pot a mother who has announced weaning
٥. وَدَعِينا عنِ الإدامِ وَعِدّي
القِدْرَ أُمّاً قَد آذَنَتْ بِالفِطامِ