1. The suffering of the anxious kept the taste of life and wakefulness away,
And your eyes have gotten used to shedding tears out of habit,
١. حالَ الشَجا دونَ طَعمِ العَيشِ وَالسَهرِ
وَاِعتادَ عَينَكَ مِن إِدمانِها الدّرَرُ
2. And you've started to dislike things you used to hate,
If avoiding them and being cautious could be of any use.
٢. وَاِستَحقَبَتكَ أُمورٌ كُنتَ تَكرَهُها
لَو كانَ يَنفَعُ مِنها النَأيُ وَالحَذَرُ
3. And for people there is demise in the watering places,
If the breasts supplying the watering places are not known.
٣. وَفي المَوارِدِ لِلأَقوامِ تَهلُكَةٌ
إِذا المَوارِدُ لَم يُعلَم لَها صَدَرُ
4. The honorable one is not the one whose sanctities can be transgressed,
Nor is the generous one the one who is uncared for and belittled.
٤. لَيسَ العَزيزُ بِمَن تُغشى مَحارِمُهُ
وَلا الكَريمُ بِمَن يُجفى وَيُحتَقَرُ
5. The servants have come to an evil for which there is no savior
Except the Cloud after Allah and the rain.
٥. أَمسى العِبادُ بِشَرٍّ لا غَياثَ لَهُ
إِلّا المُهَلَّبُ بَعدَ اللَهِ وَالمَطَرُ
6. Both are good - its supererogatory acts are hoped for -
Blessed are its forests, they are hoped for and awaited.
٦. كِلاهُما طَيِّبٌ تُرجى نَوافِلُهُ
مُبارَكٌ سَيبُهُ يُرجى وَيُنتَظَرُ
7. They do not hold back from the people when they are in need,
Both are beneficial among them when they are poor.
٧. لا يَجمُدانِ عَلَيهِم عِندَ جَهدِهِم
كَلاهُما نافِعٌ فيهِم إِذا اِفتَقَروا
8. This one protects and guards them from annihilation,
And the other one provides subsistence for the cattle and trees.
٨. هذا يَذودُ وَيَحمي عَن ذِمارِهُم
وَذا يَعيشُ بِهِ الأَنعامُ وَالشَجَرُ
9. And the people surrendered when the enemy descended upon them,
So neither their spring nor their pastures are hoped for.
٩. وَاِستَسلَمَ الناسُ إِذ حَلَّ العَدُوُّ بِهِم
فَلا رَبيعَتُهُم تُرجى وَلا مُضَرُ
10. And you are a head chosen for the people of religion,
And in the head lies the hearing and the sight.
١٠. وَأَنتَ رَأسٌ لِأَهلِ الدينِ مُنتَخَبٌ
وَالرَأسُ فيهِ يَكونُ السَمعُ وَالبَصرُ
11. Indeed, the Cloud has given preference in the days
To the stations of people when they are mentioned
١١. إِنَّ المُهَلَّبَ في الأَيّامِ فَضَّلَهُ
عَلى مَنازِلِ أَقوامٍ إِذا ذُكِروا
12. Decisiveness, generosity and days which had past,
In which grave matters and dangers were counted.
١٢. حَزمٌ وَجودٌ وَأَيّامٌ لَهُ سَلَفَت
فيها يُعَدُّ جَسيمُ الأَمرِ وَالخَطَرُ
13. Departing, not ceasing, facing horrors,
Bearing the causes of insoluble difficulties that perplex people.
١٣. ماضٍ عَلى الهولِ ما يَنفَكُّ مُرتَحِلاً
أَسبابَ مَعضِلَةٍ يَعيا بِها البَشَرُ
14. Gentle with the creations - he forgives when he is able,
From him come bashfulness, and from his manners, chivalry.
١٤. سَهلُ الخَلائِقِ يَعفو عِندَ قُدرَتِهِ
مِنهُ الحَياءُ وَمِن أَخلاقِهِ الخَفَرُ
15. A flame of war - if it descends upon his plains,
Allah damages therewith people when they betray.
١٥. شِهابُ حَربٍ إِذا حَلَّت بِساحَتِهِ
يُجزي بِهِ اللَهُ أَقواماً إِذا غَدَروا
16. War and terrors increase him, if they are present,
In decisiveness, resolve and his face lights up from travel.
١٦. تُزيدُهُ الحَربُ وَالأَهوالُ إِن حَضَرتَ
حَزماً وَعَزماً وَيَجلو وَجهَهُ السَفَرُ
17. He does not cease to be in gloomy lands,
If he did not restrain them from their country, they would have perished.
١٧. ما إِن يُزالُ عَلى أَرجاءِ مُظلِمَةٍ
لَولا يَكَفكِفُها عَن مِصرِهِم دَمَروا
18. Gentle towards them, clement regarding their ignorance,
As if between him and them is Uthman or Umar.
١٨. سَهلٌ إِلَيهِم حَليمٌ عَن مَجاهِلِهِم
كَأَنَّما بَينَهُم عُثمانُ أَو عُمَرُ
19. A cave they take refuge in from the humiliation of life,
When its difficulties make them seek refuge.
١٩. كَهفٌ يَلوذونَ مِن ذُلِّ الحَياةِ بِهِ
إِذا تَكَهَّفَهُم مِن هَولِها ضَرَرُ
20. Safe are those fearing for themselves, abundant for those asking from him,
Both the nomad and the city dweller share his company.
٢٠. أَمنٌ لِخائِفِهِم فيضٌ لِسائِلِهِم
يَنتابُ نائِلَهُ البادونَ وَالحَضَرُ