
They say Ziyad was asleep in the raging battle,

يقولون ذبب يا زياد ولم يكن

1. They say Ziyad was asleep in the raging battle,
Had they brought him in wrath, he'd prevent them, or a glorious knight, or unyielding.

١. يَقولونَ ذِبِّب يا زِيادُ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيوقِظَ في الحَربِ المُلِمَّةِ نائِما

2. But they brought a fool whose seventy years had passed,
Who wakes every morn debased and despicable.

٢. وَلَو أَنَّهُم جاءَوا بِهِ ذا حَفيظَةٍ
فَيَمنَعُهُم أَو ماجِداً أَو مُراغِما

3. His tongue foreign, if he came near, he cared not for honor.
I never found Abdel Qais except worthless

٣. وَلكِنَّهُم جاءوا بِأَقلَفَ قَد مَضَت
لَهُ حِجَجٌ سَبعونَ يُصبحُ رازِما

4. When people recall the exalted and the glorious.
If you're the slave's neighbor, don't cease to beware of him

٤. لَئيماً ذَميماً اِعجَمِيّاً لِسانُهُ
إِذا نالَ دَنّا لَم يُبالِ المَكارِما

5. When he's fed. A people counting nets for their neighbor
When sated with the rulers' dirhams.

٥. وَما خِلتُ عَبدَ القَيسِ إِلّا نُفايَةً
إِذا ذَكَرَ الناسُ العُلا وَالعَظائِما

6. With nets they pay the rights upon them
And give their lord when he is in debt.

٦. إِذا كُنتَ لِلعَبدِيِّ جاراً فَلا تَزَل
عَلى حَذَرٍ مِنهُ إِذا كانَ طاعِما

7. They have a bray, and if they respond to each other
You hear in them a roar and madness.

٧. أُناساً يُعِدُّونَ الفُساءَ لِجارِهِم
إِذا شَبِعوا عِندَ الجُباةِ الدَراهِما

8. By your life, Ibn Zarwan did not save
Rabi'ah from me the day he was unharmed.

٨. مِنَ الفَسوِ يَقضونَ الحُقوقَ عَلَيهِمُ
وَيُعطونَ مَولاهُم إِذا كانَ غارِما

9. I reckon the wicked son of two wicked men thought
I would surrender my honor or fear confrontation.

٩. لَهُم زَجَلٌ فيهِ إِذا ما تَجاوَبوا
سَمِعتَ زَفيراً فيهِمُ وَهَماهِما

10. By your life, Rabi'ah does not bow to pilgrims
When they implore the aid of foreigners.

١٠. لَعُمرُكَ ما نَجّى اِبنَ زَروانَ إِذ عَوى
رَبيعَةَ مِنّي يَومَ ذلِكَ سالِما

١١. أَظَنَّ الخَبيثُ اِبنُ الخَبيثَينِ أَنَّني
أُسَلِّمُ عِرضي أَو أَهابُ المُقاوِما

١٢. لَعُمرُكَ لا تَهدي رَبيعَةُ لِلحِجا
إِذا جَعَلوا يَستَنصِرونَ الأَعاجِما