
The tyrant teaches us each day

يعلمنا المهلب كل يوم

1. The tyrant teaches us each day
To fight the people, teaching the book

١. يُعَلِّمُنا المُهَلَّبُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
قِتالَ القَومِ تَعليمَ الكِتابِ

2. And clothes us in armor when we feel safe
That we may stare at its garb, rust eating away

٢. وَيُلبِسُنا السِلاحَ إِذا أَمِنّا
لِنَحدِقَ لِبسهُ وَالنَقعُ كابِ

3. And he blamed our lives for cowardice
As though our lives were the faith of the blameworthy

٣. وَعابَ حَياتَنا بِالجُبنِ حَتّى
كَأَنَّ حَياتَنا دينُ المُعابِ

4. And rewards the benevolent with what they came to him
And pardons the sinners from reproach

٤. وَيُجزي المُحسِنينَ بِما أَتوهُ
وَيَعفي المُذنِبينَ مِنَ العِتابِ

5. And strikes right beside us with the sword in prayer
And strikes each outcast wanderer

٥. وَيَضرُبُ دونَنا بِالسَيفِ صَلتاً
وَيَضرِبُ كُلَّ مُطَّردِ الكِعابِ

6. Generous with plunder through it, and of sound judgment
When the people of plunder come to power

٦. سَخِيٌّ بِالنِهابِ بِها وَفِيٌّ
إِذا ما سادَ اِصحابُ النِهابِ

7. And an eloquent sermon has risen and befallen
Great in his eyes the division of speech

٧. وَفاصَلُ خُطبَةٍ عَظُمَت وَحَلَّت
عَظيمٌ عِندَهُ فَصلُ الخِطابِ

8. So were it not for the sword of my father Hudayd
The raven would cry to him in complaint

٨. فَلَولا أَنَّ سَيفَ أَبي حَديدٍ
لَصاحَ إِلَيهِ بِالشَكوى غُراب

9. And were it not for the spear of my father Sa'id
It is long, it has distanced from me the veil

٩. وَلَولا أَنَّ رُمحَ أَبي سَعيدٍ
طَويلٌ طالَ عَن عِرسي حِجابي

10. It is enough and has healed the souls, my father Sa'id
And every matter has wearied us

١٠. كَفى وَشَفى النُفوسَ أَبو سَعيدٍ
وَقَد أعيى عَلَينا كُلَّ بابِ

11. So he has drawn near to me, and our blessing is upon us
And suffice us on the day of judgement

١١. فَدالَ لي وَنِعمَتنا عَلَينا
وَفاهُ الهَنا يَومَ الحِسابِ