
Had not the days kept me from you, nothing

لولا قعود الدهر بي عنك لم يكن

1. Had not the days kept me from you, nothing
Would have separated us except death, so excuse me.

١. لَولا قُعودُ الدَهرِ بي عَنكِ لَم يَكُن
يُفَرِّقُنا شَيءُ سِوى المَوتُ فَاِعذِري

2. I wander with worries in my heart that give delight,
I confide them to a heart that lacks patience.

٢. أَروحُ بِهَمٍّ في الفُؤادِ مُبَرِّحٍ
أُناجي بِهِ قَلباً قَليلَ التَصَبُّرِ

3. Peace be upon you, no visit between us,
No union unless the son of Ma'amar wills it.

٣. عَلَيكِ سَلامٌ لا زِيارَةَ بَينَنا
وَلا وَصلَ إِلّا أَن يَشاءَ اِبنُ مَعمَرِ