1. A ewe looked upon the shepherd
As waves heave upon each other when they swell,
١. لَقَد نَظَرَت عَنزٌ إِلى الجَزعِ نَظرَةً
إِلى مِثلِ مَوجِ المُفعَمِ المُتَلاطِمِ
2. Or as donkeys from their homeland turned
Though the mountain passes narrowed for them as well.
٢. إِلى حِميَرٍ إِذ وَجَّهوا مِن بِلادِهِم
تَضيقُ لَهُم لَأياً فُروجُ المَخارِمِ
3. She saw a figure waving up ahead
Like a robe or garment flapping in the distance dim,
٣. رَأَت فَوقَ رَأسِ الكَلبِ شَخصاً بِكَفِّهِ
عَلى البُعدِ كِنفٌ أَو خَصيفَةَ لاحِمِ
4. Yet the inhabitants of the air denied what she had said,
Ninety thousand strong like howling wolves and fiery lions grim.
٤. فَكَذَّبَها سُكّانُ جَوٍّ فَصُبِّحوا
بِتِسعينَ أَلفاً كَالأُسودِ الضَراعِمِ
5. No ewe did lie, but she perceived aright
As we were seen by Qais ibn 'Asim's daughter keen and slim.
٥. وَما كَذَبَت عَنزٌ وَلَكِن تَبَيَّنَت
كَما أَبصَرَتنا بِنتَ قَيسِ بنِ عاصِمِ