1. By my life, if enmity grows between us
Some will depart from me in distress and sorrow
١. لَعَمري لَئِن جَدَّت عَداوَةُ بَينِنا
لِيَنتَحِيَن مَنّي عَلى الوَخمِ مَيسَمُ
2. I swear if we were to meet while you oppose me
You would have a dark, grievous day
٢. فَأُقسِمُ أَن لَوِ اِلتَقَينا وَأَنتُمُ
لَكانَ لَكُم يَومٌ مِنَ الشَرِّ مُظلِمُ
3. They saw the prosperity of the black sheep and greedily took it
When the brave one separated from the rest of the flock
٣. رَأَوا نَعَماً سوداً فَهَمّوا بِأَخذِهِ
إِذا اِلتَفَّ مِن دونِ الجَميعِ المُزَنَّمُ
4. And without him, there was a stab, as if its shower
Was an isolated quiver and the tongues babbling
٤. وَمِن دونِهِ طَعنٌ كَأَنَّ رَشاشَهُ
عَزالى مَزادٍ وَالأَسِنَّةُ تَرذُمُ
5. Do you not fear Allah, O clan of Amer?
Does the obstinate tyrant fear Allah?
٥. أَلا تَتَّقونَ اللَهَ يا آلَ عامِرٍ
وَهَل يَتَّقي اللَهَ الأَبَلُّ المُصَمِّمُ
6. Just as the children of Yaqdum refused you
And she had a secure knot on her necklace
٦. كَما اِمتَنَعَت أَولادُ يَقدُمَ مِنكُمُ
وَكانَ لَها وَلثٌ مِن العَقدِ مُحكَمُ