
O Jafnah left behind by the son of Hawdhah

يا جفنة ترك ابن هوذة خلفه

1. O Jafnah left behind by the son of Hawdhah
Filled with his companions like a basin filled brimful

١. يا جَفنَةً تَرَكَ اِبنُ هَوذَةَ خَلفَهُ
مَلأى لِصُحبَتِهِ كَحَوضِ المُقتَري

2. Like a platter of sheez covered over
With cured meat fat on a morning after windy night

٢. كَعَريضَةِ الشيزى يُكَلَّلُ فَوقَها
شَحمُ السَنامِ غَداةَ ريحٍ صَرصَرِ

3. Or who is there for a pasture as though its thorns
Were a hollow soaked by the daughters of wild plum

٣. أَم مَن لِراسِيَةٍ كَأَنَّ أُوارَها
نَقعٌ تَعاوَرَهُ بَناتُ الأَخدَرِ

4. Or who is there for opponents lying emaciated while their cheeks
Incline on fragile bones

٤. أَم مَن لِخَصمٍ مُضجِعينَ قِسِيَّهُم
مَيلٍ خُدودُهُمُ عِظامِ المَفخَرِ

5. Verily man is not there for you, O perishing one
Between Dimakh and the abode of Khenzar

٥. إِنَّ الرَزِيَّةَ لا أَبا لَكِ هالِكٌ
بَينَ الدِماخِ وَبَينَ دارَةِ خَنزَرِ

6. That perishing one, none other like her
So lend me your shame, no man there for you, but show patience

٦. تِلكَ الرَزِيَّةُ لا رَزِيَّةَ مِثلُها
فَاِقنَي حَياءَكِ لا أَبا لَكِ وَاِصبِري