1. Laila yearned for you in seclusion, and did not repay
What she wasted the day we met, and was ungrateful
١. أَشاقَتكَ لَيلى في اللِمامِ وَما جَزَت
بِما أَزهَفَت يَومَ اِلتَقَينا وَضَرَّتِ
2. Like the taste of dates is a delicious taste in it
With musk from her at parting scattered
٢. كَطَعمِ الشَمولِ طَعمُ فيها وَفارَةٌ
مِنَ المِسكِ مِنها في المَفارِقِ ذُرَّتِ
3. And I hosted without any dejection or weakened strength
When the small birds twittered noisily
٣. وَأَغيَدَ لا نِكسٍ وَلا واهِنِ القِوى
سَقَيتُ إِذا أولى العَصافِرِ صَرَّتِ
4. I passed the cup back to him while it was delicious
To the night until it was filled and bitter
٤. رَدَدتُ عَلَيهِ الكَأسَ وَهيَ لَذيذَةٌ
إِلى اللَيلِ حَتّى مَلَّها وَأَمَرَّتِ
5. And disheveled desiring sleep, I said to him move
When the stars turn away and disappear
٥. وَأَشعَثَ يَهوى النَومَ قُلتُ لَهُ اِرتَحِل
إِذا ما النُجومُ أَعرَضَت وَاِسبَطَرَّتِ
6. So he got up dragging his clothes as if
It was said to him take it yourself and leave
٦. فَقامَ يَجُرُّ الثَوبَ لَو أَنَّ نَفسَهُ
يُقالُ لَهُ خُذها بِنَفسِكَ خَرَّتِ
7. Is there no fate in life, for I
See war over pasture like the pregnant came close to birthing
٧. أَلا هَل لِسَهمٍ في الحَياةِ فَإِنَّني
أَرى الحَربَ عَن روقٍ كَوالِحَ فُرَّتِ
8. And they will not until it exerts pressure on them
With its horsemen, the pressure of childbirth burst forth
٨. وَلَن يَفعَلوا حَتّى تَشولَ عَلَيهِمُ
بِفُرسانِها شَولَ المَخاضِ اِقمَطَرَّتِ
9. Frowning with disheveled hair when they seek
Its justification with the harvest time was harmful
٩. عَوابِسَ بِالشُعثِ الكُماةِ إِذا اِبتَغوا
عُلالَتَها بِالمُحصَداتِ أَضَرَّتِ
10. It competes with the dresses of virgins
When brought out from the house atmosphere it rolls
١٠. تُنازِعُ أَبكارَ النِساءِ ثِيابَها
إِذا أُخرِجَت مِن حَلقَةِ الدارِ كَرَّتِ
11. With every channel of charity, forced
If compelled, it does not hesitate and becomes muddy
١١. بِكُلِّ قَناةٍ صَدقَةٍ رُدَنِيَّةٍ
إِذا أُكرِهَت لَم تَنأَطِر وَاِتمَأَرَّتِ
12. And the blue frontiers of our sultanates
When the throats face them shudder
١٢. وَإِنَّ الحُدودَ الزُرقَ مِن أَسَلاتِنا
إِذا واجَهَتهُنَّ النُحورُ اِقشَعَرَّتِ
13. And if an arrow was found supporter of the lost
Women would have surely milked it and became harmonious
١٣. وَلَو وَجَدَت سَهمٌ عَلى الغَيِّ ناصِراً
لَقَد حَلَبَت فيها نِساءٌ وَصَرَّتِ
14. But an arrow corrupted the house of Ghalib
As bugs spoiled the good health and it became apparent
١٤. وَلَكِنَّ سَهماً أَفسَدَت دارَ غالِبٍ
كَما أَعدَتِ الجَربى الصِحاحَ فَعُرَّتِ