
How Hind of the Hinds drew near with her party

ألا طرقت هند الهنود وصحبتي

1. How Hind of the Hinds drew near with her party,
The party of Houran, squadrons of warriors;

١. أَلا طَرَقَت هِندُ الهُنودِ وَصُحبَتي
بِحَورانَ حَورانِ الجُنودِ هُجودُ

2. But she saw only youths and their saddlebags
And steeds caparisoned with their trappings.

٢. فَلَم تَرَ إِلّا فِتيَةً وَرِحالَهُم
وَجُرداً عَلى أَثباجِهِنَّ لُبودُ

3. And how many a foe and township lies below Layla,
Wherein survivors of captives have a refuge;

٣. وَكَم دونَ لَيلى مِن عَدُوٍّ وَبَلدَةٍ
بِها لِلعِتاقِ الناجِياتِ بَريدُ

4. And a ragged cloak which compels the people to speak of it,
While the bright-faced wander about wearing it.

٤. وَخَرقٍ يُجِرُّ القَومَ أَن يَنطِقوا بِهِ
وَتَمشي بِهِ الوَجناءُ وَهِيَ لَهيدُ

5. As though the valiant warriors of Hind had not halted at a trysting-place
Nor pastured in a sanctioned enclosure and returned at night;

٥. كَأَن لَم تُقِم أَظعانُ هِندٍ بِمُلتَقىً
وَلَم تَرعَ في الحَيِّ الحِلالِ تَرودُ

6. Nor has my flank been scraped by thickets unto blood
Nor a straight-gomg one, or one inclined to injustice, pastured.

٦. وَلَم تَحتَلِل جَنبي أَثالَ إِلى المِلا
وَلَم تَرعَ قَوّاً حِذيَمٌ وَأَسيدُ

7. By it the eye engraves the marble as if they were
Christians prostrate in prayer.

٧. بِها العينُ يَحفِرنَ الرُخامى كَأَنَّها
نَصارى عَلى حينِ الصَلاةِ سُجودُ

8. When she is told that he who is my slayer
Of love, she says: Steadfast he remains and increases.

٨. إِذا حُدِّثَت أَنَّ الَّذي بِيَ قاتِلي
مِنَ الحُبِّ قالَت ثابِتٌ وَيَزيدُ

9. When she draws near, she holds commerce with my heart
And in the enclosure there is estrangement and repulsion from her.

٩. إِذا ما نَأَت كانَت لِقَلبِي عَلاقَةٌ
وَفي الحَيِّ عَنها هِجرَةٌ وَصُدودُ

10. The suns of winter warm stone when they touch it,
Yet in summer, frigid to the bone.

١٠. سَخونُ الشِتاءِ يُدفِئُ القُرَّ مَسُّها
وَفي الصَيفِ جَمّاءُ العِظامِ بَرودُ

11. Ambergris and musk whose diffusion by her at night
After the miser's grudging is bounteous;

١١. عَبيرٌ وَمِسكٌ آخِرَ اللَيلِ نَشرُها
بِهِ بَعدَ عَلّاتِ البَخيلِ تَجودُ

12. I recalled Hind so my heart is strengthened
And her tracks disappeared so the goal is far;

١٢. تَذَكَّرتُ هِنداً فَالفُؤادُ عَميدُ
وَشَطَّت نَواها فَالمَزارُ بَعيدُ

13. I recalled her and my tears poured as if they were
The abundant flow of *juman*, unique among them.

١٣. تَذَكَّرتُها فَاِرفَضَّ دَمعي كَأَنَّهُ
نَثيرُ جُمانٍ بَينَهُنَّ فَريدُ

14. Inadvertent, so fear not the perils of her mischief
From the food, the evening lamp kept burning.

١٤. غَفولٌ فَلا تُخشى غَوائِلُ شَرِّها
عَنِ الزادِ ميسانُ العَشِيِّ رَقودُ