1. And youths true of promise from an enemy upon them
Clear sights were hung with the virgins
١. وَفِتيانِ صِدقٍ مِن عَدِيٍّ عَلَيهِمُ
صَفائِحُ بُصرى عُلِّقَت بِالعَواتِقِ
2. When called they asked not who called them
Nor held back above their hearts pulsing
٢. إِذا ما دُعوا لَم يَسأَلوا مَن دَعاهُمُ
وَلَم يُمسِكوا فَوقَ القُلوبِ الخَوافِقِ
3. And flew to the bare steeds unfettered
And fastened around their waists with belts
٣. وَطاروا إِلى الجُردِ العِتاقِ فَأَلجَموا
وَشَدّوا عَلى أَوساطِهِم بِالمَناطِقِ
4. They are the fathers of the stranger and rescuers of the
Screaming and shelter of the lightly-clad wrapt in blankets
٤. أولَئِكَ آباءُ الغَريبِ وَغاثَةُ الـ
ـصَريخِ وَمَأوى المُرمِلينَ الدَرادِقِ
5. They put the courtyards of death above their brows
Instead of foreheads from the faces of the outrunners
٥. أَحَلّوا حِياضَ المَوتِ فَوقَ جِباهِهِم
مَكانَ النَواصي مِن وُجوهِ السَوابِقِ