1. The bounty lived as long as ‘Amr son of ‘Aamir lived,
And turned away when the soul of ‘Amr turned away.
١. يَعيشُ النَدى ما عاشَ عَمروُ اِبنُ عامِرٍ
وَوَلّى النَدى إِن نَفسُ عَمروٍ تَوَلَّتِ
2. After ‘Amr, the ally of bounty, turned away, bounty became scarce.
So the gifts of the frequent givers diminished and became rare.
٢. حَليفَ النَدى لَمّا تَوَلّى خَلا النَدى
فَماتَت عَطايا المُكثِرينَ وَقَلَّتِ
3. The bounty was veiled when his bones were veiled.
So it became mightiest among the revered and most precious.
٣. تَوارى النَدى لَمّا تَوارَت عِظامُهُ
فَأَعظِم بِها في المُعتَفينَ وَجَلَّتِ
4. If it were not for the remnants of his children and his tribe,
Faces of (the tribe of) Thaqeef would have been humiliated and disgraced.
٤. فَلَولا بَقايا مِن بَنيهِ وَرَهطِهِ
لَهانَت وُجوهٌ مِن ثَقيفٍ وَذَلَّتِ